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Dundee Global Trail

Follow the Trail to find Dundee’s Global Connections...

Many people are aware of Dundee’s historical connections to India through the jute industry. Maybe lesser known are the links the city has had with the Arctic, Africa, Jamaica, Spain, the Middle East and the United States. Take a little trip around the world with Dundee Global Trail... and see how many connections you can find along the way! The creation of Dundee’s Global Trail has been made possible thanks to funding from the Leng and the Alexander Moncur Trusts.

How we made the links

Dundee’s Global Trail grew out of a comment made by John, a member of a group of young people who attended Greylodge Settlement one day a week from their secondary school. Working with youth worker Jackie and global education worker Helen from the One World Centre, the group were exploring their personal links with the rest of the world when John suggested that the City of Dundee itself has strong global links.

Apart from the jute indusry linking Dundee to the Far East, was there any other evidence? The idea of creating Dundee’s Global Trail was launched.

Its creation has been the result of a hard working group of 6th year pupils from Harris Academy in 2013/14. Working with pupil support worker Margaret from Harris Academy, graphic designer Su from Zoo Design and Helen from the One World Centre, the leaflet you hold in your hand gradually became a reality.

We hope you find completing the Global Trail as interesting and intriguing as we found creating it.

Dundee’s Global Links Continue …

Dundee’s two Universities and College attract students from all over the world. In the 1960s and ‘70s, Chinese, Asian and Italian families continued to settle in the city. Even more recently, the existing Polish community has welcomed an influx of its numbers. Outnumbering them all however, Dundee has welcomed its neighbours, the Irish. People come and people go. Together we help to create, build and enhance not only the City of Dundee but the world.

About Dundee Global Trail

Dundee’s Global Trail will take you on intriguing historic Voyage of Discovery highlighting the extraordinary locations which make connections between Dundee and the rest of the world.

While you explore the inner city of modern day Dundee this unusual walking Trail will make the hour you spend a time of interesting discoveries in the City of Discovery.

Read about the trail from the beginning